Creator Sessions: MARIA &  RIADIGDESIGN

Creator Sessions: MARIA & RIADIGDESIGN

Today on Creator Sessions we got a chance to speak with Maria of RIADIGDESIGN an emerging designer with wicked skill and fabulous designs we love! Also, one of the youngest entrepreneurs and designers we have spoken to over the last year! So excited for you to learn a bit more about Maria and the tips she has for aspiring designers. - Mathieu

How did you find out you had a knack for being a designer?

Ever since I was young I have been so intrigued by fashion whether it was dressing up and how garments were created they way they want it. I would always watch youtube videos and going out to shop for very interesting fabric materials. My mom used to sew when I was young and she would make skirts, fix minor damages on garments. I wonder how she was doing it in so little time.

I took a sewing class when I was in high school and I fell in love with it. The very first piece that I have made was high waisted corduroy shorts with varieties of buttons and my second piece were pajamas. Since that time I started hand sewing holes from socks, jeans, and shirts to have more practice.

Raised in Calgary, Alberta I have tried my best to attend university although nothing caught my eye and was not interested in many courses that I have chosen. I learned that I am more of a hands-on person and a visual learner. As the year passed I have searched up a few fashion schools across Canada and Blanche Macdonald popped up! I immediately applied, got a phone interview, flew to Vancouver.

Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

My inspiration comes from my friends back home. Just watching them grow and achieve their goals makes me happy and grateful to be surrounded by people with so much love and support.  

As for my inspiration for my garments, I think about the love of nature and music! For example, my first collection (PACKING LIST) is about incorporating hiking materials and different types of fabrics to create my very own designs.

What are some major goals you would like to reach in 2019?

My major goals for 2019 is to build clientele and start arranging orders. I would also like to do more Fashion Shows around the city to get more exposure and experience. Most importantly I would love to work for myself and be an entrepreneur!

If you could work & collaborate with any designer right now, who would it be and why?

There are so many designers out there to create great work! I would love to collaborate with my fellow classmates from Blanche Macdonald. We all had a really good relationship with each other and I hope that some of us can work together and create something that is even more awesome in the near future.

As for other Designers, I would love to work with a British Designer Christopher Raeburn. Since my designs are going towards the streetwear vibes, Raeburn’s designs have a lot of construction and I would like to watch and learn more about it. He also has a lot of garments that I would definitely be interested in as a consumer.

What are some things you would like to see happen with men's and women's fashion in the next few years?

For the fashion industry for the next few years, I would like to see varieties of unisex designs so that both men and women can wear it. I would also love to see more vintage designs so just like a blast from the past. I think it would be really awesome to see and nice to watch a lot of constructive pieces to get people thinking about how it was actually made.

What tips would you give those looking to become a fashion designer?

Tips for future designers:

Save as much money as you can because everything is just going to get even more expensive. Once working with fabric make sure you have your money’s worth and save scraps!

Ask, ask and keep asking questions! This is super important! If you need help reach out to people.

Make a time management board and make sure to make time for yourself. Reward yourself after all the hard work but also give yourself some discipline.

While you are at school be sure to network around.

Be patient! Time will only tell. It is just like that quote, "Slow and steady wins the race.”  You’re not going to create something that you will love right away. The time will come for that!

Tell us in your experience some pros and cons of fashion school?

Pros and Cons:

From my experience


Learning how to make your own patterns from scratch.

Making true friendships in the workplace. They are always there to help!

Sewing skills will improve in a few months or so.

Learning how to illustrate your own fashion figures and to use photoshop properly.

Overall you will learn a lot that you have never thought of!


It is a super fast course! It is very condensed. If you are thinking of working and going to school you need to make sure that you plan your times wisely.

If you miss one class you pretty much miss like a full section of work. So be sure to attend classes regularly.

Catching up will be brutal if you push it back.

Since it is a fast course some of the times you will have to learn/figure it out how to do it yourself. (Otherwise, this is a good challenge for you) Take a lot of notes as possible because it will help you in the long run.

We look forward to seeing Maria's designs strike local and international runways in the not so distant future.

Follow Maria here: @riadigdesign on IG


Photographers: Glen Obiso, Kaesha Cay, and Ronald Bustamante.

Models:  Richard Kumi, Fanar H.