Must have Vitamins for healthy, beautiful, glowing skin

Must have Vitamins for healthy, beautiful, glowing skin

Every person in one way or another faces skin problems, perhaps not only of the face but of the whole body. The beauty and health of the skin are inextricably linked to the quality composition of the products we consume. The daily diet should be balanced with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

The easiest way to improve the condition of the skin, as well as prevent the appearance of various undesirable formations, is to eat a variety of foods that contain all the necessary elements in sufficient quantities. Even though vitamins have been known for a very long time, various scientific studies have proven their importance for healthy skin and the ability to improve skin condition. How vitamins affect skin condition? Let's figure it out.


First, despite the fact that some of the vital vitamins are produced by the body, for example:

Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation,

Vitamin A can be synthesized from precursors - carotenoids, one of which is β-carotene,

Vitamin B3 - Niacin is found in foods such as meat, fish and legumes, but can be synthesized in the body from the amino acid tryptophan.

Vitamin B7 - Biotin and Vitamin K are synthesized by the intestinal bacterial microflora.


However, most of the vitamins you need come from your diet.

Generally speaking, vitamins have an antioxidant effect, protect cells, help the skin fight chrono- and photoaging, improve its condition and appearance. Therefore, very often vitamins can be found in various skincare products.



Vitamin A

Structurally, vitamin A is a group of substances - retinol, β-carotene, and other retinoids.

Retinol in the human body is not synthesized and comes with food as part of the liver, milk, egg yolks, fatty fish. As part of external cosmetics, retinol prevents the breakdown of collagen fibres.

β-carotene is a pigment found in carrots, pumpkin, mangos, papaya and others, and gives fruits and vegetables their characteristic yellow / orange colour. β-carotene has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.

Topical retinoids help fight acne, improve skin texture and tone.

However, you need to be careful, because excessive use of vitamin A derivatives have the opposite effect and leads to dry skin, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause erythema, and the development of various adverse effects associated with the work of internal organs.


Vitamin B

The group of B vitamins includes eight different vitamins - B1-B12, which are certainly important for the body in general and the skin in particular. B vitamins are found in dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables. Vitamins of group B participate in the processes of renewal and regeneration of skin cells and collagen synthesis, as well as in the complex help to maintain skin moisture, have anti-ageing properties and prevent pigmentation.



Vitamin C

Natural sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, etc. Ascorbic acid in the composition of products for external use prevents skin ageing by stabilizing collagen, improves elasticity and firmness. In addition, vitamin C is often used in sunscreens and to lighten the skin with various dyspigmentation.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a complex of compounds, the most important of which are tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocopherol is an antioxidant that can scavenge free radicals. Free radicals are formed in the skin under the influence of various environmental factors - pollutants, solar radiation. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, wheat germ oil, nuts, avocados, etc. Means containing vitamin E are used for skin erythema, sunburn, chronic UVB-induced skin damage and photocarcinogenesis. The actions of vitamins C and E have a synergistic effect.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized directly by the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. A small amount of vitamin D2 and D3 comes from food - fatty fish, egg yolk, milk. Vitamin D is able to protect skin cells from ultraviolet damage, their programmed death performs immune functions and has an anti-ageing effect.


Vitamin F

Vitamin F means a combination of several essential fatty acids: oleic, arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic. These acids in the body cannot be synthesized, therefore they must be taken with food without fail. Fatty acids are rich in fish, walnuts, almonds, vegetable oils from wheat germ, flaxseed, and sunflower oil. Fatty acids prevent transepidermal moisture loss, thus preventing the development of skin dryness and atrophy, in combination with vitamins C and E, they prevent the development of wrinkles and promote the synthesis of collagen, which is the natural skeleton of the skin.




The skin needs vitamins to protect it, maintain health, beauty, and perform vital functions. It is important to remember that only a nutritious, varied diet can fill the necessary need for vitamins. In addition, rationality is very important in this matter. Excessive intake of vitamins, as well as their deficiency, can adversely affect not only the condition of the skin but also the whole organism. Therefore, it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a physician to clarify the necessary diet for various skin conditions and help in choosing the necessary skincare products.


Written by: Angela Kravchenko


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